
From this tab you can create steplists, selection lists and events.

Reset camera: Resets the camera to the default position when there's nothing selected.

Fit camera to selection: Zoom in to the selected items

Fit selection to center: Place the selected items in the center of the viewport without zooming in.

Toggle center visibility: Make the centers of selected items visbible or invisible

Warning:   Not every function of the creator tab is supported in touch screen mode!


In here you will find a list of categorized icons that can be used to add warnings to the steps.

Warning general

In this category you will find icons that are related to symbol warning signs.

Warning textual

In this category you will find icons that are related to text warning signs.


In this category you will find icons that are related to prohibition signs.


In this category you will find icons that are related to tools. e.g tools needed to complete a step.


In here you will find the items in a tree hierarchy. Expand the parents by clicking on the triangle.


Here you can find the tools to move and select items in the configuration.

Selection related:

Selection sets:
Quickly select selection sets from this menu.

Add parents: Add the parents of the selected items to your selection.

Add children: Add the children of the selected items to your selection.

Deselect parents: Deselect the parents of the selected items in your selection.

Select parents: Select the parents of the selected items and deselect the current selected items.

Add parents and children: Add the parents and the children of the selected items to your selection.

Select highlighted: Select all highlighted parts in the scene.

Gizmo related:

Item mode: In this mode you can select items on item level.

Triangle mode: In this mode you can select items on triangle level.

Gizmo transform: By turning this toggle the selection will be transformed over the gizmo position. e.g Use this for eccentric rotations.

Local transform: By turning this toggle the selection will be transformed over their centers. e.g Use this to rotate multiple screws over their center.

Set gizmo to center selection: Set the gizmo in the center of your selection. e.g between 2 items or 2 triangles.

Reset gizmo rotation: Reset the gizmo's rotation to the default orientation. Press alt to reset it to the world orientation.

Gizmo to helper position: Move the gizmo to the helper position. Useful when you need the gizmo to be outside your selection. Choose which axes you want to match (XYZ).

Gizmo to helper rotation: Matchthe gizmo to the helper's rotation. Useful when you need the gizmo to be at an angle. Choose which axes you want to match (XYZ).

Link selection to gizmo: Turn this on to move or rotate the selection with the gizmo when using the gizmo to helper position / rotation.

Helper related:

Helper: Turn the helper on or off.

Set helper to the center of selection: Set the helper in the center of your selection. e.g between 2 items or 2 triangles.

Alignment tool: Use this to place the helper perpendicular on a surface. This also works with the gizmo when the helper is not turned on.

Warning: Always turn off gizmo to center selection before attempting to move the gizmo!

Tip: Use the triangle mode to precisely position the helper / gizmo on a surface, or use the alignment tool to roughly position the helper / gizmo on a surface.

Tip: Rotate items on pivots outside of the selection using the helper!


In this tab you can manage the events of your configuration. e.g the failure of a wear part.

Create event

From here you can create new events, link them to error codes, add a description, and link a step list with the solution.

Event code: Enter the error code here. e.g Error 1

Module: Enter the item's module here. (Happens automatically when you assign an item)

Visual mark: Highlight this item when the event is active. (Select the item and click the arrow to link it)

Description: Add a description for the event.

3D Event arrow position: Enter the coordinates of a 3D arrow.

Toggle event object visibility: Turn the event arrow on or off.

Link step list: Link a step list to the current event.

Save event: Save the current event to the event list.

Possible event list

From here you can manage the existing events. You can also viewevents, modify them, remove them, or clear the entire list.

Simulate selected event: Test the selected event in the viewport.

Remove from active events: Turn off the active events

Load linked step list: Load the step list that corresponds to the error code.

Remove event: Remove event from the list.

Clear event list: Remove all events from the list.

Step list

In here you will find everything related to the step lists.

Item state

From here you can change the states of the selected items.

Auto highlight: Automatically highlight items whenever you move or rotate them.

Auto hide: Automatically hide all highlighted items from the previous step.

Toggle highlight: Highlight or dehighlight the selected item.

Toggle visibility: Hide or unhide the selected item.

Clear all: Remove all highlights.

Unhide all: Unhide all hidden item.


Here you can find the tools related to the step animations.

Reset to origin: Resets the selected item to its original orientation.

Reset all: Resets all items to their original orientation within the step.

Reset to step: Resets the selected item to the orientation of the previous step.

Reset all to step: Resets all items to the orientation of the previous step.

Remove: Remove the animation from the selected item.

Remove all: Remove the animation from all items.

Reset animation: Reset the starting position of an item.

Reverse step animation: Play the step animation in reverse.

Animation slider: Control the duration of the animation with this slider.

Transform gizmo

These buttons open up the gizmos for translation and rotation. Select an item and translate or rotate it by dragging on the X, Y or Z handles. Press and hold shift to rotate with 15° increments.

Warning: The translation and rotation gizmos only work in the item mode!
Tip: Open the translation and rotation gizmos by pressing the W or E key respectively!

Step list

Here you can find the created steps in a list.

Step name: Enter the step name here.

Save step: Save the current step.

Remove step: Remove the selected step from the list.

Clear list: Remove all the steps from the current list.

Duplicate step: Duplicate the selected step in the list.

Set order: Set the current step list order as the correct order for training purposes.

Reverse list: Reverse the order of the step list.

Reset order: Reset the order of the step list to the order set with the "set order" button.

Reset scene: Reset the scene to default, clear all highlights, unhide all parts, and remove all animations.

Next step: Go to the next step.

Previous step: Go to the previous step.

Play step animation: Replay the animation within the current step.


Here you will find everything related to selection and selection sets.

Selection options

From here you can alter your current selection.

Add parents: Add the parents of the selected items to your selection.

Select parents: Select the parents of the selected items and deselect the current selected items.

Add children:
Add the children of the selected items to your selection.

Deselect parents:
Deselect the parents of the selected items in your selection.

Select highlighted:
Select all highlighted parts in the scene.

Selection sets

From here you can manage your selection sets.

Save set: Save the current items in your selection to a set.

Delete set: Delete the selected selection set.

Add to set: Add the selected items to the current selection set.

Remove from set: Remove the selected items from the current selection set.

Select set items: Select all the items from your current selection set.

Delete all sets: Delete all the selection sets in the scene.

Tip: When created, a selection set will stay selected until you manually deselect it.


From here you can explain the steps or warnings in more detail.


Here you can add a description for the warning icons.


Here you can add a description to explain a step in more detail. e.g fasten the bolt to 32 ft/lb.


Here you can add icons related to the step.